  • How to Design Programs
    Learn to design programs systematically.

  • Picturing Programs
    Learn to design programs systematically, with pictures.

  • Realm of Racket
    Learn to program with Racket, one game at a time; see also its companion site

  • Programming-Based Formal Languages and Automata Theory
    Learn Formal Languages and Automata Theory using FSM--A DSL embedded in Racket.

  • Animated Problem Solving
    Learn to design programs systematically using video games.

  • Animated Program Design
    Learn intermediate program design using video games.

  • Concrete Abstractions
    An introduction to computer science using Scheme.

  • Beautiful Racket
    Make your own programming languages with Racket.

  • Server: Racket
    Develop a web application with Racket.

  • Programming Languages:
    Application and Interpretation

    Principles of programming languages for undergraduates, graduate students, and experts.

  • Semantics Engineering with PLT Redex
    Semantics for language engineers: graduate students and practitioners alike.

  • Schreibe Dein Programm!
    German-language introduction to programming, based on design recipes.

  • Programmierparadigmen (2. Auflage)
    Eine Einführung auf der Grundlage von Racket.

  • Premiers Cours de Programmation avec Scheme
    Du fonctionnel pur aux objets avec DrRacket.

  • Racket Programming the Fun Way
    An introduction to the Racket functional programming language and DrRacket development environment to explore topics in mathematics (mostly recreational) and computer science.

  • Don’t Teach Coding: Until You Read This Book
    The definitive resource for understanding what coding is, designed for educators and parents